Who May Apply: Any person who is or will become 17 years of age and has or will have a high school diploma or a GED before completing the cosmetology course.
Schedule: For full day post high school enrollment is a full day that starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 3:15 PM. The calendar of in session days follows the Mexico 59 School District calendar.
Hours requirement: 1220 total clock hours are required before a student can qualify to take the Cosmetology State license exam.
Tuition: Tuition for the one year program is $5,100 for the full time enrollment. This can be broken down by two semesters of $2550 for fall and $2550 for spring semester.
Financial Aid: The Davis H Hart Career Center no longer offers financial aid, but we are an A+ school and can submit for tuition if you have the A+ certification on your high school transcript.
Tool Kit expenses: The cosmetology tool kit contains start up supplies that you will need to start work. $700 will be due by May 1st or upon acceptance into the program.
Uniform Requirements: The following is the uniform code of Davis H. Hart Career Center School of Cosmetology; black surgical scrubs and black closed-toe shoes. Students receive one set of scrubs at the beginning of the two year program. Beyond that, they must provide their own proper and clean uniform.
Application Fee: There is a $40 application fee for all post high school students which includes $25 for the Cosmetology State Board for license to practice and $15 for the required background check.
Application Process: The application process begins when the post high school student returns the application with the required fees. The window to apply opens in the fall and extends to the deadline beginning of March. All who submitted an application will then be invited to the mandatory meeting and interview typically scheduled in mid March.
The dates for the 2025-26 school year are:
How to Apply for Admission:
Questions: Please call Hart Career Center at 573-581-5684 or contact Student Services Coordinator, Keri Poehlman at kpoehlman@mexico.k12.mo.us.
Who May Apply: Any person who is currently in the 10th grade enrolled at one of our sending schools. The cosmetology program is a half day program over the course of junior and senior year in high school.
Schedule: High school students attend either the AM or PM session that their high school has predetermined. The sending school provides bus transportation to and from the career center each day in session. The calendar of in session days follows the Mexico 59 School District calendar.
Hours requirement: 1220 total clock hours are required before a student can qualify to take the Cosmetology State license exam.
Tuition: Tuition for the two year program is covered by the sending school.
Financial Aid: The Davis H Hart Career Center no longer offers financial aid, but we are an A+ school and can submit for tuition if you have the A+ certification on your high school transcript.
Tool Kit expenses: The cosmetology tool kit contains start up supplies that you will need to start work. $700 will be due upon acceptance into the program, with the first installment paid by the first Friday in May.
Uniform Requirements: The following is the uniform code of Davis H. Hart Career Center School of Cosmetology; black surgical scrubs and black closed-toe shoes. Students receive one set of scrubs at the beginning of the two year program. Beyond that, they must provide their own proper and clean uniform.
Application Fee: There is a $25 application fee for all high school students which includes $25 for the Cosmetology State Board for license to practice. Students will also be required to submit a passport photo for their license which can be taken for $10 at the interview, or the student can purchase a passport photo at Walgreens or WalMart for a similar fee.
Application Process: For high school students, the application process begins with the sending school high school counselor statement of interest/ internal application. Then the high school student is required to submit the Cosmetology application with Hart Career Center. returns the application with the required fees. The window to apply is from the beginning of January to the deadline in the beginning of March. All who submitted an application will then be invited to the mandatory meeting and interview typically scheduled in mid March.
The dates for the 2025-26 school year are:
How to Apply for Admission:
Questions: Please call Hart Career Center at 573-581-5684 or contact Student Services Coordinator, Keri Poehlman at kpoehlman@mexico.k12.mo.us.