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Immunization Requirements

Student Immunization Requirements

Immunization requirements are determined by the State of Missouri.  Students are required to receive immunizations, according to the schedule(s) listed below, and documentation of up-to-date immunizations must be submitted to your child’s school nurse PRIOR to attending school on his/her first day.

If you have any questions, or if you need a copy of your child’s current shot record on file with the school, please contact the nurse in his/her building.   


2024-2025 Missouri Preschool Immunization Requirements

2024-2025 Missouri School Immunization Requirements


All students, regardless of grade level, must be up-to-date on their vaccinations prior to starting school each year (see links provided above).  

  • All new/incoming preschool and kindergarten students must be up-to-date.

  • Students entering 8th grade are required to have updated Tdap (Tetanus) and MCV (Meningococcal) vaccines.

  • Students entering 12th grade are required to have two doses of the MCV (Meningococcal) vaccine. Note: If the first dose was administered after the student’s 16th birthday, only one dose is required.