Mini Cheer Clinic: February 2-3

Janaury 13, 2024 – The Mexico High School Cheerleading squad invites all Mexico K-5th grade students to attend our mini cheer clinic on Feb. 2nd from 3-5pm @ Mexico Sports Complex. Students will learn a dance and three cheers. While at the clinic, mini cheerleaders will be fed a snack and a drink. They will also receive a T-Shirt and a Bow. The theme is Moana 2!
Sign up forms were sent home in students’ backpacks on January 13-15.
On the day of the clinic, please make sure your child is dressed in clothes that they can participate in physical activity in along with tennis shoes. Participants need to wear shorts or leggings, gym shoes, and must have their hair pulled back in a ponytail.
You will need to return your child to perform Monday Feb 3rd at 6pm at the sports complex.
Cheerleaders will perform at halftime of the Freshman girls game against Hannibal on Monday Feb. 3rd. Your child will need to be here by 6 pm (sports complex). Your child must wear their cheer shirt, tennis shoes, black leggings/shorts and be ready to perform. We do not have a set time to perform, I recommend you stay for the game till half time. Game time is 6 PM.
Please make arrangements to have your child dropped off at the MHS sports complex and have them picked up immediately after their performance in the weight room located by the stairs. You will receive 2 free entries to get into the game, your child will be admitted for free.
Send the bottom of the registration form to Central Office 2101 Lakeview Rd. Mexico Mo 65265 ATTN: DeOnna. Or You can take it to MHS office ATTN: Jennifer. Please make checks to MHS Cheer. Questions:
Clinic cost $30.00 All Forms must be received by Friday January 17th @ 3pm to guarantee a shirt! No refunds for not showing up or missing the show.